Running a business is not as easy as imagined, especially in the culinary field, so you need to make some preparations, including making a SWOT analysis. SWOT is an acronym for the 4 letters S (strength or strength), Weakness / weakness), O (Opportunity / opportunity) and T (threat / threat). SWOT analysis helps you to get to know your business in depth. That way, you can find out the strengths and weaknesses of your business.

In the culinary field, you need to analyze these 4 factors into your business. What are the strengths of your business? Besides that, what about the weaknesses and threats that can come from outside? This is related to your competitors and the high competition in the culinary business which continues to increase every year. Reporting from detik, the culinary sector continues to grow 7 to 14% per year.

In order to stay afloat and profitable, you need a mature strategy and good execution. Being different from an idea that has never existed is not the answer. You need to do a good analysis in order to know what needs to be prepared in order to make you a winner in the competition. Here are the points you need to pay attention to when starting a culinary business.

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The strength factor in the SWOT analysis

First, you need to know the strengths of your own business. For example, the memorable coffee business is known as one of the leading coffee brands. The strength of this business itself lies in coffee that can be eaten directly without the need to be complicated.

In addition, other strengths also exist in the low price with a wide variety of coffee. Of course, Kopi Kenangan is one of the choices for coffee lovers to enjoy coffee at an affordable price and delicious taste.


Besides the strengths, you also need to analyze the weaknesses of your business. If you are in the culinary field, will your product be liked? How about the level of competition with the same product?

You need to analyze the weaknesses and make them a point of improvement. That way, you are ready to face the competition and can find out the weaknesses of your business as a whole.


Opportunities are things that can be used to start a business. You see a profitable opportunity, so you create a culinary business for you.

Continuing from the previous Kopi Kenangan study case, the coffee brand which is headed by Edward Tirtanata sees the need for workers to consume coffee that can be consumed directly while working. This opportunity is considered to be a plus for Kopi Kenangan.


In running a business, there are various kinds of things that can happen, including threats. Threats can come in the present or the future. For example, you need to look at trends in changes in people’s consumption patterns of food.

The COVID-19 pandemic, which requires people to be at home, has made them more access to online delivery services. This can be categorized as a threat that can reduce your business turnover. Therefore, you can enter the online food business by registering yourself with an online motorcycle taxi service.

Read more: What to do if your customer don’t pay billing invoice

How to implement a SWOT analysis in the Culinary Business?

Okay, you already understand the function of the 4 letters in SWOT, right? Now, we will carry out direct practice on the culinary business. This time, we will give an example, what factors you need to pay attention to based on these S, W, O and T.

We will present the factors in the form of a question. That way, you will find it easier to evaluate your business. This is important to do so that you can build a strong and durable business.


  • What are the characteristics of your product that differentiate it from other products?
  • Do you sell them on the spot or can you be accessed via an online delivery service?
  • If you sell the same product as a competitor, what makes it different? Does it taste different? Are the ingredients different?
  • What special skills does your team have when compared to competitors?


  • Are you having trouble getting raw materials for your business?
  • What about the competition that you have to face with competitors?
  • What disadvantages do you have when compared to competitors?
  • Are the equipment or assets owned is sufficiently qualified?


  • Is your product new or not yet on the market?
  • What about the target segment you want to target?
  • Does your product have an opportunity to
  • What are the trending trends recently?
  • Can your product meet unmet market needs?


  • Who are your competitors?
  • Are the employees doing well?
  • What if things go wrong like a disaster?